

Client holds all copyright of all edits, photALL does not retain any. The photos fully belong to Client.


  • Who is photALL for?

    photALL is a photo retouching service for ALL: individuals, photographers, ecommerce sites,

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  • How can I send you my photos?

    If you want to send us your photos without creating a Project, for example for a quote, the best

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  • What photos do you refuse to work on?

    We do not work on photos involving pornography, violence, torture, or terrorism.

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  • Is there a maximum limit for input files?

    Yes, the file cannot exceed 1GB. If you want to provide us with larger files, please contact

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  • What is the ALBUMS function?

    In ALBUMS you can upload photos awaiting a Project when you have the time. Then,

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  • What are the differences between RETOUCHE and PRO PHOTO?

    PRO PHOTO is our service for very high end retouching or for very complex

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  • Do we do other things besides photo retouching?

    If you have a large number of photos, for example of your wedding, you can entrust them to us for

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  • I want to print my photo after getting it retouched. What should I pay attention to?

    You must pay attention to:

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  • Why is the delivered photo sometimes smaller than the original file?

    That is normal, it can be because you chose to crop your photo. In these case, the output photo

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  • Do you have a limit number of photos per Project or per Order?

    No, we accept any quantity, whether 1 photo or 10,000 photos. However, from a certain amount, you

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  • Why is my photo being watermarked? How to get my photos without watermark?

    We only apply a watermark on the free trials of PHOTO +, CUT-OUT and RETOUCHE services. You will

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  • Is it possible to add my company logo on my photos?

    Yes, with our CUT-OUT service it is possible to add your logo.

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  • What input format do you accept and what output format do you provide?

    PHOTO+ service: we accept only JPEG format.

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  • How to communicate with us?

    1. You can chat online with us, using the button in the right bottom corner.

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  • What are your leadtime options?

    We have a standard leadtime for each service:

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  • How does your pricing work?

    With the following 4 services, the price of each photo is published on our Pricing page:

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  • Customer satisfaction

    For us, that's what matters the most. We don't give up if you are not happy, and for sure

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  • Do you provide clipping path services?

    Many popular online marketplaces require white or transparent background. Image background

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  • How is my personal data protected?

    Securing your data is one of our priorities. Your images are kept on our private network

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  • Our working time

    Our retouchers work 7/7 days, 24/24 hours.

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  • Do you offer free trials?

    Yes. You automatically benefit from 1 free trial for each of these 3 services: PHOTO+, CUT-OUT

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  • Is there a minimum limit for input file size?

    Yes. Minimum size of the photo is 800 pixels x 800 pixels and 72 dpi.

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